Owner of Ragtime Custom Picture Framing, Jesse Brock

Nice to meet you.

Hello Capital Region, my name is Jesse and my story begins in the Catskills, 1997 at a local frame shop.

Here, I learned the basics of custom frame design, assembly, cutting mat boards by hand (on a Fletcher 2200) and cutting/joining frames by traditional method (miter saw, vise, nails). And it was here that I discovered my passion for this unique trade.

Fast forward to 2004, when I relocated to Albany, New York to finish college. I continued my framing journey at a larger shop (which had a “five star” rating) that taught me preservation and archival technique that I learned to appreciate and incorporate into my developing design skills. I eventually oversaw both retail and wholesale divisions and after nearly 12 years I decided to jump industries to focus on the sciences.

In hindsight, having a hand in both art and science creates a perfect balance where internal and external discoveries practically make the two harmonious. Today, as I am established in my career within the biotechnology industry, my passion for custom picture framing rebounded with a strong desire to continue doing what makes me feel fulfilled and connected to the community. I am delighted for the opportunity to showcase your next piece.

J Brock Signature